Shipping & Returns

Only those prices do apply, that are shown at the time of order.
If we release new prices in price lists, web pages or other publications, previous prices are no longer valid.
The period of validity for time-limited offers is displayed where those offers are listed respectively.

Our online checkout procedure leads customers to a confirmation page, that shows net prices, shipping cost and the Value Added Tax (VAT) seperately.

All other prices are final customer prices and contain statutory Bulgarian`s  VAT as far as the customer does not change its customer form to merchant.

Heavy items, for example a Piano to the Channel or Shetlands etc. may require a further quotation - please e-mail us at or call us in case of any Questions. We always charge you exactly the amount that we have to pay to the carrier.

Should you ever have the impression that you had to pay too much for your shipment, please get back to us.
We´ll double check the costs for you.


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